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Wohoo! Roads are open!

I was on schedule as I went down my building seeing the time on my Picasso. I usually, wake up at 5:45 AM, take my shower, check my email, read some news on MSNBC and leave the flat at exactly 6:15 AM. I’m supposed to start work at 6:30 and with the ongoing road construction, the previously 5 minute drive now takes 15 minutes max. I was going though my usual route, passing through the Airport Round when I suddenly noticed that there was less traffic and the cars in front of me were just passing through what used to be a roadblock! I proceeded with caution as this is new territory for me. I mean, for at least a year, I got used to driving the streets of Doha with closed interchanges and driving on single lane streets where there is work being done. I was even feeling excited as I was driving up to…Bump. I guess they haven’t really merged the old street smoothly with the new one as the asphalt of the new one seems half an inch elevated. Well, that didn’t ruin my excitement that much but with all the space available, 6 lanes at that, I didn’t really know what lane to take. The stop light was working but was lucky enough to get a green light. Do I go straight and pass by the strip of road facing the airport as what I used to do or do I turn left and see if I can use the same route I used to take ages ago. I take left. Wohoo! I felt like I was freed from a cage or something (insert a mushy song about freedom here). It so fast that I kept looking at the car clock to see how much time has been cut off from my travel… Bump. Well, I guess that’s me and my Picasso ending our first run of the newly opened roads at the Al-Mana Exchange towards Ras Abu Abboud.

It’s reported than it is not only Airport Road-Al Mana Interchage which would be opened this week but yet 2 more roads which are the Sheikh Suhaim bin Hamad Road, going from the Ramada Interchange to the Advisory Council junction, and the Ahmed bin Ali Road, that goes from the junction to the TV Roundabout. The would be opened on Tuesday or Wednesday!

Wohoo! I can now wake up at 6 AM and still get to work on time! Wohoo! No more long traffic queues! Well, I still need to deal with the roundabouts… ;(

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