mylo personal communicator
I’m not a big fan of Sony. Well, I used to be but then I found the light. I mean, you can’t beat Sony for some of the gadgets that it churns out as they are progressive in their conception. But for some of the more “ordinary” tech gadgets that you have out there, like laptops, dvd players, televisions and hifi stereos, I may opt for other brands also known for their brand and quality. For these items, I tend to say that you’re paying the premium for the Sony label etched on your electronic item. When I saw this posted on Sony’s site, it gave me the sudden urge to actually try it out if I had the chance. Portable WiFi and entertainment gadget.
The name mylo stands for “my life online”. The mylo personal communicator (I don’t know why they don’t capitalize the name of the product) is 802.11b wireless network compatible. This means it can search for an open network and use that to connect to the internet. That also means that you can use the mylo for instant messaging (Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger and Skype already installed), browse the internet and send out emails to your friends and family. You can also listen to music and view photos and MPEG4 videos with it. It has a 2.4 inch color LCD with a slide out QWERTY keyboard for comfortable and quick thumb typing. It also has 1Gb of flash memory and supports Memory Stick Duo™ media. The price for this baby? US$350. It would be available in the US come September. Now, wouldn’t you want your hands holding this piece of work? I just wish they could have made it a phone too...
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