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Of Spellings

One thing about the Gulf region is that people here are not too concerned about word spellings. Sometimes you see different spellings of the same word and you get confused as to what the real spelling really is. Like for instance, sometimes it is shawarma, other times shawerma; kebab-kabab. So I searched the web and found out that indeed shawarma can have both spellings, there’s even a third one, that is shoarma. Whereas in the case of kebab, I found out that it can also spelled as “kabob” but not kabab. Come to think of it, being not too concerned with spellings is not a bad thing. However, if it concerns important details like names, it becomes a problem. For instance, my name is Mavis, but back in Bahrain someone mistook the “v” for a “y”. From then on, I became “Mayis”. The same thing happened when we transferred here. They got my Bahrain ID and just copied the same name, without even cross referencing it first with my passport. The residence permit that’s stamped on my passport has Mayis on it, as well as my health card and eventually my driver’s license. The things is, I’ll be Mayis for as long as we intend to stay here in Qatar. Sometimes I just wish that people here were more conscious of the way things are spelled.


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Yes that's true Mayis! Every time I'm creating an account in my company, that's always my problem, they got different names spelling and they are all official names. Mohammad is also Mohamed and also Mohamad and also Mohammed and also… uhmmm, its up to you to spell it as long as it sounds like his name, hehehe, they don’t mind it and they don’t care. Only one thing I found and little bit funny, I created one account to one lady Qatari and her details forwarded to us by the Personnel is her prefix is Mrs. One time when once I met her personally, I asked how’s her family, her children. She was very shock as in parang nawala ang pagkababae nya, hahaha. Who told you I got children? I apologized, and I said, I’m just assuming, hehehe. She answered, I’m still young, I’m only 20, and I’m not married yet! I answered with act of contrition, hehehe, sorry Madame but… the record from Personnel that they forwarded to me is your Mrs and already married! She was fuming, and said, I will resign this company!

I noticed when I visited that all the hairdressers were 'saloons'. Very wild west!

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