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I'm being plagued

First up was the car breaking down. I had to ask somebody to take me to and from work for one week and eventually shelling out 1350 for my car to get fixed. Second, my laptop broke down last week. After it shut down of overheating and me, trying to clean up the insides, it suddenly went to sleep mode forever. I mean literally. It's like something got stuck that made go to sleep mode everytime you start it up as the sleep indicator lights up when you boot it. You can hear the harddisk whine a bit when booting and then it stops. The monitor doesn't even show any sign of life at all. I've tried bringing it to Jarir Bookstore but they only deal with Toshiba laptops while friends adviced me not the bring it to the sofitel Area. I've surrendered it to a colleague who may be able to fix the laptop so we'll see. But since we need a computer, we decided to get one (read related blog - Dual Core in Qatar). Other than these breakdowns, I've been losing things right after the other. I lost my house keys the other week and then I lost my keycard two days after. Just last night, someone came knocking at our door. When we opened, it was our neighbor asking us we know who owns the wallet he was holding. It was mine. I don't actually remember if he found it inside the building (the stairs) or outside, where I park my car, as my head was already in a rush thinking how I lost it. Thankfully, everything was still there; credit cards, money, ids and all. Hopefully, that was the last of it. I need to be more careful, I know.

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