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Mowasalat Update

from Gulf Times:

With only six days remaining for the launch of the country’s bus service, an official of the Mowasalat, the government’ transport company, yesterday reaffirmed that buses would hit the road on October 23 itself as announced earlier. The Mowasalat officials had announced at a press conference on September 28 that buses would run from October 23 onwards.Talking to GulfTimes yesterday, the company official said things are being worked out at a faster pace and ‘temporary’ bus stops would be built in the next few days. “Buses will run from the Main bus terminal near Alfardan Centre to both the Industrial Area and City Center from October 23,” he said. As per the present plans, while the bus number 33 would operate to the Industrial Area, bus number 76 would run to City Center. At least 10 buses would run on each of the two routes, the company officials had announced.

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I've been reading most of your posts as it's a great help for me once I move to Doha for work. Just a quick question, which mall is nearest the Intercontinental Hotel, and do the buses you've mentioned run along the route of the Intercon and the malls? I suppose the buses are in oiperation now right?

Hi Meg! Thanks for visiting our site. I'm glad that it's of help to you. anyway, the Intercontinental Hotel is located Al Istiqlal Rd., West Bay Lagoon, so the nearest mall would be City Center which is also the biggest. So when are you scheduled to come here? God bless!

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