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Xiane's Birthday

It was Xiane's Bday last Friday. As planed, we took her to the Seef Mall as they have a play area for the kids. She rode the teacup ride, the Flying carpet, a horse, a camel and went jumping on an inflated play area. She enjoyed it! Mavis also tried driving a car while I tried flying a jet fighter. Both, without success in our chosen games. At Lunch time (1:00 p.m.) , we ate at a place we usually go to, Rendezvous. The Managers and waiters already know us and greet us, esp. Xiane, when we come to eat. So we told them that it was Xiane's birthday that Friday. By the end of our meal, they brought our a piece of cake covered in icing with a candle lit on it. The place started piping out the tune of happy birthday as the rest of the waiters and managers gathered around Xiane, clapping and singing Happy Birthday. Xiane was so surprised yet we know that she knows what was happening and was excited about it. She knew it was her birthday and she got what she wanted; a cake with a candle for her to blow. She almost couldn't hide the smile on her face while they kept singing, waiting for her to blow the candle. She did try to blow it out but needed some help with it. Still, one couldn't buy the way she looked as she was being sung the birthday song. Last night, we asked her if she still remembers her birthday and her cake. We asked her what the color of her cake was and she said "white" and she said "green candle". Amazing how a 2 year old kid could remember what happened the day before! Anyway, to all Godparents, you owe Xiane one.

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